The Multiplied Life of -KiRa-YaMaTo-

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08 April 2007

KW Anniversary: Personal Level

Happy Easter and a Happy Anniversary to us all!

As we celebrate our 2nd year, KW is very much delighted to tell you that for the rest of our monthlong anniversary celebration, This will be our Personal Space. I will make at least 10 Posts for this month alone and this ma include some profanities or some hatred. hehe

But yeah, Friendster will be temporarily on Halt because we want KW To be the herald not only of anime, but of my Life.

We will return to Friendster when May comes, but on a different level

We will be posting feed blogmulcasts from Friendster here in KW Blogger, and not just a link to the site (which is the RSS Feed is giving us) But the FULL POST. This will be dubbed as KW Personals and it will be posted anytime within the month.

Also our KW15 and 30 Reports and AfterCon/Event Reports will still be part of the KW Blogger menu

So, again, This will be my Personal Space for a Month and We return to Friendster next month with a full blogmulcast here in KW Blogger.

For the meantime, Here is one of my early posts dated 21 April 2005 (I have an event on that day, whose birthday is it? Hmmm? It's in one of my links, hehe)

Anime Post no.1

Dated 21 April 2005
Here is my stand on Anime
1. anime in ABS is good,, but, sad to say, they lack in NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE, means to say that,, they either lack in FUNDING to uplink anime via satellite or THEY JUST DONT WANT ANIME TO BE NATIONAL
2. GMA's Animes are DOWNRIGHT MEDIOCRE, meaning,, they use the mediocrity of the filipinos to say that THEIR ANIME IS NO.1 AND USE THE SURVEYS TO WATCH THEIRS... HOW SAD AND HOW TRUE
3.Badly, NO ANIME IN ABS SURVIVED GMA's ANIMES BECAUSE OF THESE like Gundam SEED and Yu-Gi-Oh,, primarily because of..
a. loss of promotion
b. no provincial output
This is about on my stand,, these are only my comments on the suffering anime industry today...

Look at the fledgling commentary about anime, Here is the permalink to that post


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